Monday, May 21, 2007

Total Captured. Wings for prisoners.

(Later, in Tom’s office)
“So, why did you try to escape?” Tom asked.
“Now you have me, you’re in charge here. But I’m not going to tell any thing,” Henry replied with anger.
“Wu, attitude. I’ve never saw a man like you. Chris, bring them in,” Tom ordered.
Soldiers brought out four people.
“Sam! Tony! John! Bill! Why are you here?!” Henry shouted.
“Ha! Ha! I have already thought that you would try to escape, so I had blocked all the exits,” Tom laughed.
All of a sudden, Henry pulled out his Quantum sword and swung it at Tom.
“Wu, action,” Tom said.
He then pulled out his Quantum sword and started to fight with Henry. The Quantum sword was held by a group of people called Blade Blazers. They had a very power to operate the sword. Normal people were not able to use it. Its blade contained the highest energy of the whole universe- the quantum energy. This energy made the sword to cut down anything it had touched. Henry struck fiercely, but Tom was able to defense himself. They fought for nearly ten minutes. Suddenly, Tom pushed Henry and let him fell.
“Ha! Ha! I’m going to kill you,” Tom said, raising his Quantum sword and trying to split Henry.

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